Saturday, May 8, 2010


WOW WOW WOW. it's AGES since i've last posted.

IT's gonna be a super short one.
People, I'm in Inti A-Levels, so expectedly busy.
And finally, PEOPLE!

I'm officially leaving HIM behind.

With quite a heaevy heart though.

But then, I felt lighter after I started the "leave HIM behind" mission, Level 1: Do not think of funny funny sms-es to send to him, do not go like his facebook status, and subsequently, do not think of him, but at the same time, do not think of not thinking about him. It helps =)

THanks to all my dear friends for their never ending support. =) thanks.

Pretty boy, after one full year, I'm finally leaving you behind. Loved you, and might probly think of you once in a while, but then, mmmhmmm, you'll not be the one lingering in my mind all the time.

Goodbye pretty boy =)