Monday, September 3, 2012


Again, it's past midnight already now.

Posting during midnight feels different. I feel closer to my feelings.

Today, I've passed by a place I thought we would go and thought of all the insane thoughts.

I have buried them deep down under my feet.

I still am sorry. Though sometimes very pissed, I'm still yeah, sorry.

September seems to be (hopefully) promising.

I've been gradually hyped up by the thought that I'd see all familiar faces again, breathe familiar atmosphere and be in the familiar place again.

And just at that moment, I've pictured you.

For quite some time now, I've been trying to suppress my inner feelings towards a lot of people.

I'm very much worried that sooner or later, someone will find out that I'm not being a hundred percent "me".

Because I don't want the people I don't want to think that I"m not okay to think that I'm really not okay.

I hate this.

All this raging emotions.

Sometimes I wonder whether I can just use all these emotions and generate electricity, cause it definitely is a renewable energy source and dependable, sustainable.

Nights world, I still thank Lord for blessing me with all the people who truly care for me and make sure I go to bed early.

Thank you.

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