Easier said than done.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
I have been posting E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y recently.
This is something I found from the internet.
How many of them are true to me? Hmmmmm.
1.其實大多數女孩子嘴上說很在意男孩的樣子。當真正愛上後,會發現不管他長相如何都不會介意。 2.女孩子都喜歡穿著白襯衫的男孩子,可以不帥氣但一定 要陽光。3.大多數女孩子都比較傾向正太萌的男生,大叔肌肉控的 只是少數4.大多數女生喜歡在右耳上有耳釘的男生,不要很大很刺 眼的那種。可以是一顆星星可以是小太陽,總之越簡單越好。5.可以說所有女生都幻想過有一個很霸道的男生保護自己 。像小說中有勢力有財可以打架可以讀書。6.大多數細膩的女生都希望自己的他是在一個咖啡廳或一 個奶茶店相遇,總之是很暖心的場景。7.其實所有表面很強悍的姑娘心裡都有很小女人的一面。她們只是在等待一個比她更強悍的男孩子保護她。8.女生留長頭發不舍得剪只有兩種原因。一種是為他而留,一種是分手後不想剪掉那段回憶。9.大多數女生都希望有男生可以把早餐送到教室。且是在所有同學的注目下,女生總喜歡讓別人嫉妒她的幸福 。10.女生希望能和她心愛的男孩在海邊玩耍。互相潑水,在女生心裡覺得這樣子是會很甜蜜的。11.大多數男生都不知道,當自己在專心做一樣事情的時 候是最帥氣的。12.男生的故意耍帥其實在女生眼裡只會顯得更做作,還 不如一個不經意的動作會讓女生心水很久。13.女生都喜歡肩上背著個書包的男生,最好是乳白色。14.男生可以長的不好看,但字一定要端正要清秀。15.女生大多都喜歡瘦瘦高高的男生,但絕對不能瘦的跟 竹竿一樣。她們會感覺沒有安全感。<這句話不代表不喜歡肉肉萌萌的 男生>16.女生都喜歡男生會唱歌的,可以唱的不好但聲音一定 要柔和。17.女生喜歡受,總之可以外表很冷漠內心希望孩子氣。18.女生都喜歡愛笑,笑起來很陽光很天真,最好是可以 露牙齒的笑19.女生都喜歡自己的他有夢想有追求,即使成績不好也 有理想。20.女生都希望和男生可以有小拌嘴小吵鬧,但鬧完之後 一定會和好的那種。21.男生可以每晚說一句晚安,電話也好短信也罷。22.一定要會打籃球,女生總感覺那樣子會很帥氣。23.男生必須是孝敬父母,女生會覺得這樣子的男生很溫 暖。24.男孩養一個小動物會比較討女孩子歡心。千萬不要是 軟體動物和多足動物25.每個喜歡文字或者文藝範的女生都比較心向較乖的男 生,她們都肯定曾受過傷。26.女生喜歡身上有淡淡沐浴露味道的男生,很清新很好 聞的,但絕對反感香水味27.男生可以有點小內向,但一定會把自己媳婦大大方方 的介紹給自己那一幫兄弟的。28.在過馬路的時候會下意識的牽著女生的手,總之小事 情也好大事情也好都會很細膩心思的。29.女生打心眼裡也是喜歡浪漫的,所以男生必須要會有 點制造小驚喜的方法給女生。30.能夠安靜傾聽女生的小心思,不會不耐煩。31.比起去高檔的地方消費,女生更心水和男生一起在圖 書館一起看一本書討論學習。32.比起語言上的肯定女生更傾向於一個眼神的確定,女 生的心思總是細膩的多。33.男生總以為說髒話噴粗會很霸氣會在女生心裡感覺很 崇拜。其實簡短的一句,晚安也好有我在也罷,女生會心水的多。34.會懂得保養皮膚的男生通常都比較討女孩子喜歡。35.喜歡綠色、藍色、白色之類簡單暖色的顏色的男生都 比較孩子氣比較討女生心水。36.不化妝不帶美瞳的男生心思一定簡單沒小心眼。37.男生必須能吃高檔的牛排也要吃得起街邊的麻辣燙。38.男生的指甲一定要整齊干淨,要不然給人的感覺會很 邋遢。39.有鎖骨的男生會很性感。40.即使是歲數很小以後不可能結婚,但還是以結婚為目 的去談戀愛的男生一定是好男生。41.說話能夠直視女生眼睛的男生是當情侶的首選,通常 這樣子的男生都比較有自信心。42.要會主動的男生,而不是什麼事情都要靠女生來先。43.大多數女生還是喜歡不帶眼鏡的男生,有漂亮眸子的 男生一般心地都不錯44.會寫日記的男生大多都很文藝有浪漫情懷。45.有故事的男生女生都比較喜歡。46.對自己愛的就好好愛,對自己不愛的就不理,不會到 處留情,這種男生可以說所有人都心水。47.喜歡孩子的男孩心裡孩子氣。48.很愛說話或者不愛說話的男生都缺乏安全感。
This is something I found from the internet.
How many of them are true to me? Hmmmmm.
1.其實大多數女孩子嘴上說很在意男孩的樣子。當真正愛上後,會發現不管他長相如何都不會介意。 2.女孩子都喜歡穿著白襯衫的男孩子,可以不帥氣但一定
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
Saw this today: -
#Don't tie your heart to a person who has nothing left to offer you.
Let it go.
It might hurt for a while, but when you get over it, you'll see that it's better.#
Well, I guess "a while" has been quite awfully long.
You don't just get over things in a single "Good-bye", so I guess I have to keep working on that.
Good-bye, my almost lover.
#Don't tie your heart to a person who has nothing left to offer you.
Let it go.
It might hurt for a while, but when you get over it, you'll see that it's better.#
Well, I guess "a while" has been quite awfully long.
You don't just get over things in a single "Good-bye", so I guess I have to keep working on that.
Good-bye, my almost lover.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Finally have some time to land my fingers on the keyboard - of course also with internet access.
Last night at Juan Shong's party - wickedness!
ZOMG, it's like EVERYONE who knows Juan Shong can SING, DANCE and GET HIGH!
Will defo-ly post up the crazy videos when I have more free time; gotta run for now!
Nyayahahahhahahhahahhahahahha ~
Last night at Juan Shong's party - wickedness!
ZOMG, it's like EVERYONE who knows Juan Shong can SING, DANCE and GET HIGH!
Will defo-ly post up the crazy videos when I have more free time; gotta run for now!
Nyayahahahhahahhahahhahahahha ~
Saturday, March 23, 2013
And also to the siao kia, KHAW JUAN SHONG!
Ahhh how time flies; I'm back in town!
Have a party to attend, invited by the crazy Mr Juan.
Wheeeeeeeee ~ Can't wait to see the craziness go wild!
Rock on! \m/
And also to the siao kia, KHAW JUAN SHONG!
Ahhh how time flies; I'm back in town!
Have a party to attend, invited by the crazy Mr Juan.
Wheeeeeeeee ~ Can't wait to see the craziness go wild!
Rock on! \m/
Monday, March 18, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
It's 11.11pm already.
I don't remember posting at any other hour, except late at night.
These few days we have been at peace; no fighting - just real serious talking.
Finally, we have come to a consensus.
Finally, we are no longer hiding from each other.
Not even the slightest feeling, not even the slightest thought.
And yes finally, you are completely honest with me; with us.
And finally, you let me acknowledge how important we are to each other; which I pathetically thought only would work one way.
Probably I am too dire in need of assurance?
You asked me to move on.
I want to jerk your hair and ask you whether you know just how much it is killing me to see you off with another girl? Somebody that I don't even know!
Perhaps I have already assumed and taken you as my essential part of life and have already gave myself the authority to think that as much as you influence my emotions, I might have the same influence on you.
Maybe at one point, my assumption was true?
Now I no longer know, or somehow I have reached the point I NEVER wanted to reach - to stop believing in you. Well, not in terms of whether you were speaking of the truth or not, but more than that. Much more than that.
I stopped believing the fact that "You being happy is enough".
It's really simple. I believed in that before the new character appeared in this chapter of our story.
Before her, you were happy too. Or at least I believed that you were and that probably I had the magic to make you feel happy.
Until you needed to make me happy.
And then until I had to fake my feelings sometimes, so that you could be happy.
At one point it didn't matter whether you were happy as an individual or whether you were happy WITH her.
I shouldn't be having any prejudice or hard feelings, whatsoever, against her.
But I hate her, deep down under.
I hate how she just miraculously popped up suddenly in your life and just robbed you away.
Childish? Yes I do admit that I am damn childish; disliking the person who took away my candies.
This hatred will be abrupt, I hope.
This just sucks.
You say you wanna be responsible of what you did. To me. To us.
Too late?
I still, stubbornly, don't want to lose you.
I am so effing sorry, but I am going to still stick to you.
I don't remember posting at any other hour, except late at night.
These few days we have been at peace; no fighting - just real serious talking.
Finally, we have come to a consensus.
Finally, we are no longer hiding from each other.
Not even the slightest feeling, not even the slightest thought.
And yes finally, you are completely honest with me; with us.
And finally, you let me acknowledge how important we are to each other; which I pathetically thought only would work one way.
Probably I am too dire in need of assurance?
You asked me to move on.
I want to jerk your hair and ask you whether you know just how much it is killing me to see you off with another girl? Somebody that I don't even know!
Perhaps I have already assumed and taken you as my essential part of life and have already gave myself the authority to think that as much as you influence my emotions, I might have the same influence on you.
Maybe at one point, my assumption was true?
Now I no longer know, or somehow I have reached the point I NEVER wanted to reach - to stop believing in you. Well, not in terms of whether you were speaking of the truth or not, but more than that. Much more than that.
I stopped believing the fact that "You being happy is enough".
It's really simple. I believed in that before the new character appeared in this chapter of our story.
Before her, you were happy too. Or at least I believed that you were and that probably I had the magic to make you feel happy.
Until you needed to make me happy.
And then until I had to fake my feelings sometimes, so that you could be happy.
At one point it didn't matter whether you were happy as an individual or whether you were happy WITH her.
I shouldn't be having any prejudice or hard feelings, whatsoever, against her.
But I hate her, deep down under.
I hate how she just miraculously popped up suddenly in your life and just robbed you away.
Childish? Yes I do admit that I am damn childish; disliking the person who took away my candies.
This hatred will be abrupt, I hope.
This just sucks.
You say you wanna be responsible of what you did. To me. To us.
Too late?
I still, stubbornly, don't want to lose you.
I am so effing sorry, but I am going to still stick to you.
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