This is going to be a special post, you only have a 400th post ONCE! YOLO
So yourstruly has given her last performance in Uni for her last year attending Talent Nite (Night) for Faculty of Applied Sciences. Sang with awesome Leklek and Garyyy. Probably was the best vocal performance yourstruly can give. Satisfied with ourselves, unfortunately the crowd wasn't really high.
Talent Night was awesome. At least the performances were VERY GOOD.
WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY??! Like seriously.
Anyways, right after that yourstruly had to focus a lot on le lab work because of the final year project.
3rd and last year becoming a volunteer at AIMST's convocation - as usual, many happy and frustrating moments dealing with the parents, other volunteers and lecturers and guards. Of course yourstruly is always nice to unknown people, especially to elders. Sometimes a particular stupid lecturer will pop up from nowhere and start lecturing you about how you shouldn't be WALKING around when the ceremony has begun. Idiot, then DON'T lah open the door to let any more guests in. Which part of the job of being an "usherer" do you not understand? Oh so we are supposed to just let the parents in like in cinemas and let them wander around to look for their best seats. Wow. That was one idiot who spoiled
And then the main focus was working at ABSA's Convocation Sales Booth. Like seriously - quoting Thivina - it was C-R-A-Z-Y. Hence, yourstruly salutes ALL the vendors and all the people involved in F&B business. Kudos. Being the Publicity person in charge for ABSA, yourstruly had to make sure that everyone knows about our booth. Hence a lot of walking around, shouting and promoting were going on for Thursday, Friday nights and Saturday morning. Pity my legs, cause they were carrying me around either by walking, running or even sprinting. We are very fortunate to have relatively good sales! Thanks to all the people who have helped us out; whether you sold things with us, prepared the food, bought the materials, bought food from us, helped us scream and promote, helped me count money, helped make us happy and keep us lively. Thank you!
And now, yourstruly will tell you all readers a new chapter in my life.
So there comes this guy whom caught yourstruly's attention immediately. Not that he got me at "hi" but yeah, yourstruly has paid attention to him since the first time meeting each other.(have to type fast, battery is at 59%)
Now, this guy is amazing. He takes extreme good care of me, loves babies and little kids, cares for animals, works out, is organized, cuddles with me, listens to what I have to say, shelters me from the rain, sings stupid songs, makes me laugh and carries my things. I reckoned 2 or 3 weeks is too fast for two people to get into a relationship. It's not that we don't love each other but I think, if he loves me enough, he'll be willing to give both of us time.
I'm slightly unprepared for this, especially after what I have been through in the very recent past.
But as he says. "The past is the past, you have me now. If you don't want to talk about your past, I don't mind at all".
I mean, what else do you need? I am like so damn effing lucky right now.
THIS moment, is the moment I'd kill to have.
I love you, really.
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